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Welcome to the website of the Laboratory of Photochemistry and Materials Science - LAFOT-CM


The research group is located at the Institute of Chemistry of Federal University of Uberlandia and its activities are focused on synthesis and characterization of coordination compounds and inorganic semiconductors, which are applied to solar energy conversion, catalysis, sensing and as potential drugs. Since 1994, the group proceeds the structural, spectroscopic and physico-chemical characterization of different systems employing a variety of experimental techniques and quantum mechanical methods. 



Highlights/Social Media

O grupo LAFOT-CM recebe aluna alemã para realização de projeto em parceria entre a UFU e a Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) financiado pela Fundação Alexander von Humboldt. A aluna Laura Spies ficará em nosso laboratório por dois meses para realização de experimentos envolvendo foto(eletro)catálise com Covalent Organic Frameworks. 


Master Defense: Higor de Oliveira Alves

Preparação de nanocompósitos de hexaniobato com nanopartículas de Au com alta estabilidade e eficiencia fotocatalítica para produção de hidrogênio
Congratulations Higor!!

Master Defense: Marcos Eduardo Gomes do Carmo

Propriedades fotofísicas de complexos bis-heterolépticos de Ir(III) contendo o ligante 2-(2- piridil)benzimidazol e seus potenciais usos como biomarcadores
Congratulations Marcos!!

highlight in the international midia

PhD Defense: Leandro Augusto Faustino

Spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of a terpyridine-based Ru(II) complex with 2-pyridylacetate as ancillary ligand
Well done Leandro!!


Siga o LAFOT-CM no instagram

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-03 at 12.29.36.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-09-03 at 12.29_edited.jpg

We are very proud of PhD. student
Lucas Leão Nascimento who has his work awarded at XIX Brazil MRS meeting (SBPMat)!! Congratulations Lucas!!

26/08/2021 - 13:00h
Qualificação de mestrado do
Marcos Eduardo Gomes do Carmo intitulado Propriedades fotofísicas de complexos de irídio (iii) contendo ligantes imidazólicos  . Link para acesso público aqui

Undergrad student Adrielle Santos was award in the AIChe 2021 Brazil Student Regional Conference with the work 
Analysis of the hydrogen production and biomass valorization employing Nb(V) and Ti(IV) nanocomposites.  

Congratulations Adrielle!!

Master Defense: Lucas Leão Nascimento

Photo(electro)reform of glycerol employing Bi2WO6 thin films as selective photoanodes 

Congratulations Lucas!!

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